Saturday, February 03, 2007

Endearing Qualities

After having a rough day/night yesterday, I was really hoping today was going to be better. It wasn't all that bad, but it did make me think about how much I miss my ex. He was killed over 3 years ago in a car accident. I don't want to get into it all right now, but one of my very favorite co-worker's boyfriend reminds me a lot of him and I spent some time with her and her boyfriend tonight and it made me miss him even more. They both have some very similar qualities in how they treat others, how they view themselves, how they act, even their nose is similar. Stupid, I know, but I miss him. Ahh, maybe sleep will help. Who knows. G'night.

Friday, February 02, 2007


So guys, I've got a problem on my hands that I need some advice on. I met a really good looking guy recently. He's tall, muscular, totally my type of guy. There's just one 'problem'...he's HIV positive. Now I know that him being positive wouldn't affect a friendship, but I'm starting to wonder why I feel as though I can't have a relationship with him. We've never done anything physical, so I'm not worried about having it and I do get tested regularly and am negative. Have any of you had to deal with a situation like this? Please comment, even anonymously, and let me know how you handled it. Thanks y'all.